TBP's Charity Committee:
- Asimov_22
- VitalAuto
- Universek
- Balenciaga
- Odac
- Stonedwin
- Martinn
Tentatively this is the main committee. Those who wish to help can let me or VitalAuto know personally or email to thebearproject@gmail.com, either way. (Erm, thae order of the names you see above has no hierarchical meaning.)
Committee members, I'll be organizing a meeting very soon. Somewhere in the week of 17th Feb onwards. Will email you guys for the details!

Ok we should finally get to work on this, as it was pushed around for the longest time and we haven't really got the time to sit down and seriously discuss and work things out.
Recently there has been an event that generated much interests and kinda kicked started this whole talk again. It was the MAAD @ Red Dot Museum (which I missed, sadly). Though the idea wasn't new for us anymore, I realized there were many artists and creative people amongst our friends and I thought an Art Sale or Auction of such would be good.
Tentative Date for this event is set in
May or in
June 2008, depending on how fast we can get our ass working on it...
Meanwhile, I call out to all those who have ideas or interest in creating figurines (from clay etc.), hand-made crafts or trinkets, or those who wish to donate your toy collection for charity. Of course if you have any other good ideas and want to share with us, please post your comments or email us.