Yah loh, all refuse to admit they like chick flick! :p vitalauto
Jane is idealistic, romantic and completely selfless--a perennial bridesmaid whose own happy ending is nowhere in sight. But when younger sister Tess captures the heart of Jane's boss - with whom she is secretly in love - Jane begins to reexamine her "always-a-bridesmaid..." lifestyle.
From the screen writer of "Devil Wears Prada" comes the much anticipated movie, 27 Dresses! Starring Katherine Heigl after her delightful debut "Knocked Up". Directed by Anne Fletcher who was second unit director for "Hairspray." Yes, I know it's chick flick, but it's looking to be a really funny, heartwarming guilty pleasure :)
So do hope you can join us! Do reply asap, listing will close January 23, Wednesday, 6pm.
Date January 25, Friday
Time 7:25pm
Place Orchard Cineleisure
chick flick lovers:
- Vitalauto
- Universek
- Xiaoyao
- Tanuki
- Cub4U33
I'm such a sucker for chick flicks ... NOT! But I'll still go. :P
- xiaoyao
oh xiaoyao, cimon, come out of that chick flick closet!
Please add Tanuki and Cub4U33
If the show is at 7.30 pm as tentatively advertised, then I can't make it liao. Got extra dance class this Fri at 6.30, so if the show doesn't start after 8.30, do leave me out. I'll still join you guys for the post-movie supper though. - xiaoyao
:"( I can't make it again... you guys enjoy the film loh... (So sad)
This is one of the movies you MUST NOT MISS!
And, Ed Burns is gorgeous!
Hi nicce reading your post
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