Welcome to TheBearProject!
We are a local gay community group where size matters. Our events aim to create a friendly environment where bears, cubs, “G-men” and other stocky and big-sized men – as well as the guys who love them – can hang out, exchange ideas and ming

We have shifted to facebook which makes things easier for us logistically. Please look for us at TheBearProject@Facebook
Add us there and you'll receive all the latest info and events. See you there!


The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.
~Lynn Lavner

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Putting a 'Face' to the Nicknames...?

Updated 4:03pm

From the comments and responses, I agree that the anonymous should remain as they are and it is entirely up to them to identify themselves as what they like... & I agree that there are stalkers and fairly desperate people out there who are waiting to do weird things as part of their livelihood or just out of plain interests! We have a few examples haven't we VitalAuto? *Muahahah...*

Ok, case closed! On to the next...

All hail to the sexy bears and all the hot guys that love 'em!

It has come to my attention that some of our fellow bloggers had queried about putting a 'face' to our screen-names/nicknames. I'm not too sure about this idea though, but I'm quite sure that many of us might not want to disclose identities now, cos after all the whole world's watching! I guess the whole issue of being anonymous is a privilege to everyone who uses the internet and I'm in no position to put anybody in the spotlight... *Unless you requested to...*

However, since Fridae.com is where we have most of our profiles, why not do a 'nick-link'? I got confused a few times by the nicknames fellow bloggers use here. Besides, you can control what you want to show on your Fridae.com page, so I think there's flexibility there, a system of control.

I don't know, what do you guys think? :)

yours happily,


musclepup said...

Hello Asimov... just use Fri nick in this Blog by default. But I noticed some friends here does not have Fri account.. :(

TheBearProject said...

Yeah thats true... Thats why I thought it might be a silly idea afterall...

So do they have any other accounts besides Fridae? Like a Blog or something? I think my main purpose of this is to put a personality to the avatars used here.

gareth said...

i think most of us would have thought of doing that. it's the nicks we can't find that's a problem.

Anonymous said...

i think it's quite cool that the nicks remains as they are... since that will encourage ppl to actually join the events to get to know each other...

besides u don't know what sicko is out there stalking this website waiting to send you to hell!!! muah hahaha

VitalAuto said...

i'm ok either way... cos my profile is already posted liao thanks to asimov! :p

VitalAuto said...

but that weirdo you are referring to is so cute though.... if only all stalkers are so cute :p

TheBearProject said...

Damn tell ME about it... I still got fantasies I got to clear involving that stalker u mentioned. Muahaha... 'Clear' as in delete not accomplish... :P~

Well... all is fair loh. Analogy: A pretty and exquisite vase sitting on the shelves but nobody wants to buy it. Why? Price? No... Product? No... How about BAD PUBLICITY? hehehe... :X

VitalAuto said...

yah bad publicity from who huh?!!!!! but then to be fair to you, they all were true esp after hearing from more sources! hahaha, die we're gossiping again!

TheBearProject said...

If only successful human-cloning is available, I'll still make me one of him for myself, minus the weird behaviors and attitudes... Physically can't deny that he is hot loh, looks and all... *Faint*

Can't help cos he was one of my longest crushes I ever had since school days!

VitalAuto said...

hee hee i can only see the looks... and unlike you, the "all" :p

gareth said...

one more thing. can refer to siberian and me as siberian and alaskan and not the other? thanks!!

TheBearProject said...

Eh... oh ok, as in not yr Fridae nicks but alaskan & siberian?

gareth said...
